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Chapter 1 The Role of Algorithms in Computing

  1. Algorithm computational steps sorting & multithreading
  2. Getting Started insertion sort: efficient for sorting a small number of elements worst case running time Order of growth consider only the leading term of a formula also ignore the leading term?s constant coefficient divide-and-conquer One advantage of divide-and-con ·quer algorithms is that their running times are often easily determined
  3. Growth of function asymptotic notation upper bounds: O o lower bounds: ? ? both: ?

  4. Divide and Conquer ???

Chapter 2 Sorting and Order Statistics

  1. Heapsort heap maximum binary heap heap size max-heapify build-max-heap heapsort priority queue job scheduling or event-driven simulation

  2. Quicksort

balanced and unbalanced randomized quicksort stack depth: tail recursion ???

median-of-3 fuzzy sort ???????? killer adversary

8 Sorting in Linear Time 8.1 Counting Sort Whey need stability? satellite data are carried around with the element being sorted. counting sort is often used as a subroutine in radix sort. 8.2 Radix Sort

Show how to sort n integers in the range 0 to n 3 ? 1 in O(n) time. solution? hw3sol.pdf

in a general base-k number system, numbers in the range 0 to R ? 1 can be represented using d = logk (R) digits.

9 Median and Order Statistics

maximum and minimum 3/2n time

Chapter 3 Data Structure

  1. Fundamental data structures

  2. Stack push & pop

  3. Queue enqueue & dequeue head & tail use an array to implement a queue use two queues to implement a stack one method push: O(1) pop: O(N) use two stacks to implement a queue two methods, one is push efficient, another is pop efficient

  4. Linked List either singly linked or doubly linked, it may be sorted or not, and it may be circular or not. reverse a singly linked list: iterative & recursive

time complexity of list operations: O(1) : delete(L, x)

  1. rooted tree sibling?
  2. HashTable the basic dictionary operations require only O(1) time on the average. 11.1 Direct Address Table worst O(1) 11.2 hash table load factor: average elements in a chain simple uniform hashing. division method

A prime not too close to an exact power of 2 is often a good choice for m. multiplication method

open addressing linear probing ?primary clustering quadratic probing: if two keys have the same initial probe position, then their probe sequences are the same. This property leads to a milder form of clustering, called secondary clustering. double hashing:

12 Binary Search Tree 12.1